Category: Soil

Discussions about the impact some agents have on soil as well as soil composition.

1 Y – Y gold and cold

Hi  Daffnetters,   We  are  over  our  snow  episode ,  about  3  days  was enough . Our  N Z  Daffodil  day ,  a  nationwide  Cancer  Society  is  a  week  away, on  Friday  26  August .. The  snow  has  lowered  soil  temperatures  and  growth  is…

Weed Killers

Hi all, I have used glyphosate when daffodil foliage has been 6-8″ high with no apparent damage. Others have confirmed similar experience. Old Alf Chappell used to say Roundup is okay when the sap is going up but not when…

Narcissus fly control

Narcissus fly can be eliminated virtually completely–I am tempted to say 100%–by using imidacloprid. It is sold in granular form as a grub killer for lawns. This chemical persists in the soil for about two months, according to the label,…

soil sterilization

Thanks to all who commented on my problem.  I’ve decided to drench the row where the bulbs died with Clorox, and the rows adjacent to that row with Cleary’s or Chipco. Mary Lou

soil sterilization

Options (other than bleach, about which I have no opinion) you might consider include Cleary’s (buy it in WP wettable powder form as Banrot) or a soil fungicide sold in granular form for lawns ( be sure the active ingredient…