University Presidents.



Hello All,

So a University President has been brought down because, inter alia, he authorised the digging out of the Daffodil plantings at his institution.  It is very surprising that he actually took this step.  We Daff Nutters know full well that we are operating with the genus Narcissus.  We also know how much the Greek youth of the same name loved his own reflection.  I would have to say that many (note, not all) of the Presidents/Vice Chancellors that I have met were pretty Narcissus-istic!  Of course had someone named the daffodil planting, the Presidential Plots none of this would have happened.  Fortunately the daffodil plantings at the institution I worked at have survived so far – but that is probably because they are close to lakes and the footings would not be good enough for yet another building named after a Vice Chancellor.


Oh dear, such cynicism, brought on by groveling in the dirt, planting far too early in extremely warm conditions. Undoubtedly this year will be the worst year ever.  Oh, and Jim, do collect some seed this year.  That will condemn you to five years more of the illness and will complete your decline into the state of Daffoholic!!







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