
More of the daffs and the flower.
The bunch cost me  $6 – 00  —  ouch.
It is a very significant crop on the kiwi daff scene –  although perhaps slightly less so now than itwas when operating at its
peak in the 1990 ,s.Neville is now in his late 60 ,s and very little replanting has been done in the last 10 years.
Most of the beds have been down for over 10 years and production levels are dropping.
At its peak , many 10 ,s of thousands of bunches were marketed from the very top to the bottom of N Z.
For the last few seasons they have only been marketed in the North Island.
Yellow Gold  –  not a registered name but the name it has been marketed under – and with no competition at this time
of the year, it certainly has been.
They are grown next to Dianne and Peter Irwins daff block and about 400 yards from John Hollever and my plantings.
Next , the flower.

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