April Events – according to the Chicago Tribune

See the attachment. Wish we had gotten a plug for our local show!  8-)

When the MDS had a table at the Chicago Flower and Garden Show, a gent fro the next booth urged me to this effect: “If you can ever get to Nantucket for their daffodil festival, be sure to go. There are lots of well-heeled people in floppy hats and the most beautiful daffodils you have ever seen.”
And, on Sunday Morning on CBS yesterday morning, there was a nice piece on a retired biologist in Southern California who plants 3,000 tulips a year where nobody else can grow them. This reminded me of a few of our own members. No deer were mentioned in the story.  8-)

George Dorner

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“That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” Neil A. Armstrong
A thin man ran; makes a large stride; left planet, pins flag on moon! On to Mars!
(Steve Krakowski)