Attention Australians

Dear Daffnetters, especially our Australian members,
Below is a question that came in via DaffSeek from Australian author Jo Hambrett. Jo lives in the Sydney region and her question is below.
For those of you who can answer Jo’s question, Thank you!
“I am currently writing a gardening book.
One of the gardens I write about was once a cut flower ( daffodil) farm, over 20 years ago.
The daffodils still come up in their thousands every year. I would very much like to identify the type of daffodil it is.
It has yellow petals and an orange frilled or scalloped cup.
Can you help me?
Many thanks,
Jo Hambrett  title=

1 comment for “Attention Australians

  1. Dear Jo,
    Thank you for letting us know that your mystery is solved.
    Good luck on your new book!

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