Go to a show

In a message dated 5/24/2010 3:40:29 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  title= writes:

 Granted, I do not show and don’t intend to start in the near future (I’m too busy, and just enjoy having rather than displaying) but you can’t deny I’ve got daffodils as well as heirloom irises, peonies, snowflakes, and now roses (I’m teaching myself how to do cuttings with mixed results).

You don’t have to show, Chris, but get yourself to a show and meet some of the people. Daffodil folks will gladly share and you will make acquaintance with some of the finest people who walk this planet. I always have fun when I am with my daffodil friends. In fact I am doing a project with 24 of them this coming weekend and can’t wait to see them.
Bill Lee