Fw: Terminator .

Hi John
I have always had the best flowers from Terminator out of 10″ clay pots 5 bulbs to the pot as they are much more refined than in the ground which are usually rougher. This year nature performed her magic and proved that they can be better in the ground than in pots. The ones in the pots were very vigorous and the flowers were big and rough Perhaps the lateness of the season allowed too much growth in the pots which is what normally happens in the ground. In the ground the flowering time was delayed and plants were not as vigourous, but the flowers were very refined and flowered from the 8th – 26 April. 
I will continue to grow Terminator both ways then I will have nature covered, or will I?
This  one  has  a  great  record  in  the  early  season  U K  shows  ..
In  our  area  it  is  usually  well  finished before  the  show  season  but  colour,
quality  and  consistency  are  the  marks  of  this  big  ,  bright  flower  .
Terminator  —  2 Y – R 
Are  all  the  top  blooms  of  Terminator  we  see  from  the  U K  ,  pot  grown ??  .
Cup  shape  can  be  a  problem  ;  not  many truly  round  cups  in  this  group  .
Cheers  John   

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