Pinkie today

The all pink I sent out two days ago has not faded, if anything it has intensified. This was taken this morning. Harold

3 comments for “Pinkie today

  1. I know you wouldn’t likely put miniatures in the refrigerator (if you could help it), but I remember that a couple of March “focus” issues ago, on Pink Daffodils, Kathy Welsh wrote that the pink color in standards intensified for her if she picked them very fresh and perfect and refrigerated them. Has anyone else had that experience?
    Loyce McKenzie

  2. Most things I put in the refridgerator turn green and fuzzy.Denis

    On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 5:11 PM, < title=> wrote:

    I know you wouldn't likely put miniatures in the refrigerator (if you could help it), but I remember that a couple of March "focus" issues ago, on Pink Daffodils, Kathy Welsh wrote that the pink color in standards intensified for her if she picked them very fresh and perfect and refrigerated them. Has anyone else had that experience?
    Loyce McKenzie


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