Question of Motive



After two long weekends in a row of planting daffodil bulbs I begin to question my motive for all the hard work, back pain and labor that goes into the process.  Is it just for some blue ribbons next spring? Or is there something higher?  

Well, let’s take a long look at it and render philosophical on the subject…


Okay.  I guess ribbons answers it.  I still have bulbs so I guess I will wrap them around some Turkey and hope that the holiday weekend will see the last of the bulbs.


Clay Higgins

7 comments for “Question of Motive

  1. Clay,
    I’ve been asking the same question for a long time – without any satisfactory answer! and the trouble is that the next question usually concerns one’s sanity!!! I’m not unused to being told “You’re mad” – but I only planted 2 ridges this year – about 5,000 bulbs + a few miniatures!

  2. Loyce,
    I think I prefer ‘Mad’ to ‘Monomaniac’ – the former gives liscence to do crazy irrational things, the latter seems more confining – shallow and narrow ! :-)

  3. You’re wrapping the ribbons around the turkey, not the bulbs, right?
    Ethel Smith in snowy MN, where we’ll take any moisture we can get!

  4. Ethel Smith,

    I apologize for this on daffnet,  However, I tried to reply back to your message direct but your spam blocker would not let me.

    I could not get through your SPAM blocker becasue I am partially Color Blind and I could not decipher the letters and numbers in you color chart.  Just give me white, yellow, green, pink, red and orange (even if your spell orange R.E.D.)


    Clay Higgins

  5. Brian,

    Thanks for doing a sanity check on me.  I’ve also been told that I must be insane to do all that daffodil work for no money in return.  But satisfaction…

    I have about that many counting my seedlings that need to go back into the ground.  I’m at about 4/5th planted now.


    Clay Higgins

  6. Hi All,

    Just to add to Brian and Clay’s comments – there is an old saying amongst
    golfers – you don’t have to be insane to play golf, but it helps!! Perhaps
    that applies to daff growers as well.

    Lifting is not far away – a lot of the foliage is still very green,




  7. While I do enjoy the shows and ribbons,
    I find myself planting so many new daffs
    each year because of the joy I get from
    seeing the flowers in the springtime.
    It’s fun to get to know new daffs each
    spring and to continue to enjoy blooms
    from the bulbs I’ve planted in previous
    years. Kind of like why I also enjoy
    going to the conventions, fall board
    meetings or seminars and digs–it’s such
    fun to meet new daffodil people and to
    enjoy the company of the ones I already
    know. I’m very thankful for my daffodil
    friends and for the amazing flowers that
    have brought us together!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who
    celebrate it. Happy fall or spring to
    the rest of you!


    American Daffodil Society logo
    Becky Fox Matthews
    / 1^st //Vice President/*
    American Daffodil Society, Inc.***


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