Georgia Daffodil Society Show

The Show was held at the Chattahoochee Nature Center in Roswell Georgia
With the very early season experienced by the rest of the country,
everyone involved with this show thought that the number of flowers
would be fewer than expected.
The final count was better than expected and the show seemed to have
been quite a success. The count was well over 500 stems.

I can’t start posting all the photos tonight, but I will start out with
a teaser. After spending 1/2 the day driving home, then going to our
local garden center, buying a Burgundy Heart Redbud, then dinner and
going to find some eastern redbuds and planting a couple of these, I am
totally DONE for tonight..

The WHITE ribbon winner for the best 3 stem entry of a standard daffodil
went to a big very colorful entry of Night Hawk exhibited by John
Lipscomb. John does a great job gardening, and I only hope that I can be
1/2 as bright as he is in the next 20 years of my life!

More tomorrow night.


2 comments for “Georgia Daffodil Society Show

  1. Yes Tom, John is amazing; and we will be waiting for your wonderful pictures
    from Georgia!!
    Phyllis Hess


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