Reverse Div. 3 Miniature

This is V05-153-11 which is a cross of N. rupicola x N. watieri and is the size of N. rupicola. Color code would be 3Y-WWY. I have shown one of this large (for me) grex in the past. The vast majority show vigor and are a soft yellow. This took seven years to bloom but has an unusual color value. Blooming very early in a pot.


3 comments for “Reverse Div. 3 Miniature

  1. Steve – I like the color.  I’ve never seen many mini’s so I’m looking forward to seeing your flowrs at the Portland show.

  2. Hi Steve,

    I agree with both Bill and Harold. Lovely bloom and the colouring is great. I’m really taken by the Div 3’s.


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