Year: 2016

CENTRAL DAFFODIL GROUP , more premiers .

We  have  two  main  exhibitor  divisions ,  OPEN  grade  and  ,  as  we  are  unhappy  with  the  word  AMATEUR   ,  we  call  the  next   level  ,  the  MOVERS  ,   hoping  they   will  move  to  the  top division  . The  MOVERS …

Central Daffodil Group ,Feilding 2016

The  Central  Daffodil  Group  held  our  late  show  in  Feilding,  central  Manawatu  ,  on  Saturday  1  October .The  week  previous  had  been  settled ,  with  light  rain ,  warmer  temps  and  only  light  winds .  The  flowers  were  making  a …

What is flowering now in Canberra

Hi Our season is continuing into October. There are still some daffodils to flower. I notice that Tripartite is flowering now so the end of season is nearly here! I was looking at a decorative 7Y-W seedling that is growing…