Day: July 5, 2022

How long can you keep frozen pollen viable??

I’m a pollen collector.  l collect pollen from my garden, but when I go to shows I try to collect pollen from some of the best show blooms.  I store in gel capsules and keep in the freezer.  Typical storage…

Breeding that does not come true

To the hybridizers out there.  I you cross two daffodils and the resulting seedling bloom so that they don’t favor any of the supposed parents, do you still show them using the cross that you registered. e.g. you cross a…

N. bulbocodium

Hi everyone, I am overcome by my N. bulbocodiums this year.  There was a time when I was trying to breed them but my experience is that if you cross a yellow bulbocodium with anything, you get a yellow bulbocodium.…