Spring Storm with hail, and lightning

Last night we had a Spring storm with hail, lightning and strong winds.  It’s too early to go out and check what daffodils I have, but I think there may be some damage.  The wind was so strong it sounded like a train going by, the hail was coming in sideways, and the lightning was fierce. This morning my out sheds and trash cans are still with me.

Luckly most of my daffodils have not bloomed yet, however, the nice one that have bloomed, I’m assuming without looking that they are beyond show quality.

Daffodil weather.



3 comments for “Spring Storm with hail, and lightning

  1. Clay,

    I can certainly identify with your spring storms with hail, rain, and high winds. I had numerous issues with those myself a few weeks ago. Without really working to collect, protect, and save blooms I would have had few blooms to enter in shows this year. I believe this is the worst spring weather I have ever had to deal with as far as the daffodils were concerned. Hopefully the spring weather will improve for everyone as the daffodil season moves northward.

  2. And, in Minnesota, we had about 9″ of snow in the Twin Cities Friday night into Saturday AM.  A few brave daffodils that had just started to poke their heads out of the ground are now buried.  And, we are supposed to get more rain and snow later this week.  We’re up to our third all time highest snow fall for a winter at this time.  Our show is first weekend of May…..sigh.

    Here’s a view pre-storm and after storm, some April Fool’s day!

  3. Thanks for the comments.  it looks like I may have lost a few daffodils, but have a lot more to open and no sign of another storm for the 10 day weather forecast.

    I’m in Howell, NJ and there is believed to be a tornado with that storm last night. Pictures of damage to a couple of house, a number of trees down, but so far no report of harm to people.

    US Highway 9 is our major North-South Route in Howell, today all the traffic lights are not working causing major backups, intersections closed, roads blocked except for right turns at US 9.  Highway and electrical worker crews are out in the dozens.  So I don’t think it was my imagination when the storm hit and I thought it was a tornado going over.  I grew up in southern Arkansas and had tornados take our front porch and half our barn one year and come back the next year and take the remainder of the barn, one never forgets the sound.

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