Daff Net

In 1995 when I first joined Daffnet there was only about 15 people on daffnet, and a lot of posting about daffodils.  Now there are hundreds, maybe more, and no one is posting on daffnet.

Back then we had Historics, but no Classics.

We had a Green Ribbon award of 12 Stems from 4 divisions that has since been changed to The Marie Bozievich Award, with a medal given at the ADS National Convention only.

We now have a Elise Havens Award of 12 stems from divisions 5 through 10.

Not sure if we had Intermediate Daffodil awards. I think this came shortly afterwards.

Miniatures was treated with less detail, and when I first joined, I did not consider miniatures.

Now we have the ADS Delia Bankhead Ribbon

ADS Roberta Watrous Award (not sure if this was around)

ADS Harold Koopowitz Collection

We definitely did not have Itsy Bitsy Spider 11aY-O to name one.

Many shows offer Container Grown Daffodils.


Did I miss anything? Can you add something?

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