Hot April

I kept wondering why my daffodil show season was cut so short this year, now I know.  The local weather man was recapping this year’s weather and stated that since April’s two days of over 90’F’ degree weather, our first additional two days of 90’F’ degree weather was the first week in July. We actually had a cool May and June.

That explains it, I usually have fairly good late daffodils that I can exhibit.  I thought April was in the 80s ‘F’ which some of my late daffodils will survive, but the 90’F’ weather just ended my season and I still had two more show to attend. All my late daffodils bloomed early and “fried” (collapsed)  the same day. Season over.  Oh well, on to next year, and hoping not to have 90 ‘F’ degrees in April.