Month: October 2014

last flower

A couple of weeks after the last daffodils this late poet, grown from seed from Steve Vinisky, flowers. Late flowers tend not to do well here, presumably because there is not much remaining growing season, but this one seems to…

logo for Williamsburg convention ’15

Today (Oct 31) items are on sale for 30% off with Lands End. It is a bit difficult to use the site, but I called and a person walked me through the process. The code for the discount is listed…

Bill Pannill’s web site

Bill Pannill maintained a web site at  I have no idea what his family or executor plan to do with it. Since the ADS does not have permission to copy it, I suggest anyone who wants to see it…

In Flower today

03-071 was a cross of Emerald Sea x N. viridiflorus. Pictured here is one I have selected that has the tentative name of “Green Grace” but it does not seem to want to offset. If it ever gets registered it…

Bet on spring bulbs

There was a great article in The Commercial Appeal, the Memphis newspaper, on Sunday, Oct. 26, about daffodils and Brian Duncan’s lecture sponsored by the Mid-South Daffodil Society on “Snowdrops and Daffodils.”  You can read it on , under Articles and…