Month: April 2009

Glencoe show – Intermediate Ribbon winner

The best intermediate bloom is selected from the Intermediate section and standard collections. The winner was Lissome 2W-W exhibited by Jennifer Brown. That’s all the postings for tonight. I’ll post some more national show award winners tomorrow. Kirby Fong

Glencoe show – Bender Ribbon winnet

The Bender Ribbon is awarded only at the national show and is for the best bloom in the Challenge section. The Challenge sections has classes for 3, 6, and 12 cultivars exhibited by the hybridizer. The flowers could be named…

Glencoe show – Rose Ribbon winner

The Rose Ribbon is for the best standard seedling excluding the container and challenge classes. You will not be surprised to learn the winner was the bloom at the top of the set of three that won the White and…

Glencoe show – White Ribbon winner, Mitsch Award winner

The White Ribbon is for the best set of three standard daffodils. The Mitsch Award is for a set of three seedlings exhibited by their originator. The same exhibit received both of these awards. It is John Reed’s seedling 97-163-1…

Glencoe show – Gold Ribbon winner

I’ve just returned from the American Daffodil Society national show in Glencoe, Illinois at the Chicago Botanic Garden. Since it’s late, I’ll post just a few photos of the award winners tonight and continue tomorrow. The Gold Ribbon winner is…