Sad news

Hello All,


This is to let you know that Max Hamilton passed away peacefully this morning.  While this was expected it is hard to believe that our friend and former business partner in Koanga Daffodils (for 22 years) is no longer there for advice on matters that went well beyond daffodils.  We will miss him greatly.  It is also sad that he did not live long enough to see his beloved poets and other seedlings once more.


The funeral time and place will be confirmed, but Tuesday is the probable date.


Messages can be sent to Kath and family on her Facebook or  title=.  Mail messages should go to 18 Whitford Place, Rototuna, Hamilton, New Zealand



2 comments for “Sad news

  1. I’m not sure what the burial rules are in New Zealand, but would it be possible to plant some of his bulbs on his grave as a permanent decoration? Most big cemeteries in the U.S. forbid this, but if you have a burial in small rural churchyard, there’s a good chance you can.


  2. The Daffodil World has lost another great one; such a nice man; friend; and one who has given us some great flowers.
    Phyllis Hess

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