2013 Rongotea Kiwi Flowers .

The class for 3  N Z  raised flowers , 1 vase  , is for the Robin  Hill  Perpetual  Trophy.Robin , a NZDS  executive member , currently in the Waikato , started his daffodil exhibiting at the Rongotea Show , as a youth , his parents were farming in this area .We had 4 very good entries , with a range of Kiwi breeders , both old and new ,.CAMEO  REBEL , MASON  ROAD , MA The winning entry was three bright redcups from Ralph Mountfort .CAMEO  REBEL ( Ramsay ) , MASON  ROAD ( Brogden Bulbs ) and  MANGAPIKO ( G & F  Miller .)




BARNDANCE , BANDIT , STORMY  WEATHER . In a close second was John Hollever with BARNDANCE  ( Crotty ) BANDIT  ( Brogden  Bulbs )  and  STORMY  WEATHER , ( Bell )




POLAR  MORN , LEMON  HAZE , JASPER  LODGE . In third place was John Mclennan , POLAR  MORN  ( Hunter )  , LEMON HAZE   (  Bell)  and JASPER  LODGE  (Irwin )  .




EGMONT  KING , SILVER  SPIRIT ,  POLAR  EXPRESS .Also ran  was my  EGMONT  KING  ( Brogden Bulbs  )  , SILVER SPIRIT  ( Crotty )  and POLAR  EXPRESS  ( Hunter  ) .





W P .  - 3      9 W -  Y IMG_7134We all followed the GREAT POET DEBATE  on daffnet last year ;  what colour s should the cups be  ! ? .Wilf Hall had one of the smallest flowers in the show , but to me it was one of the highlights . The  FIRST  yellow cupped poet that I have seen .A rather wavey perianth  ruled out it,s winning chances  but the size and the colouring , a beautiful soft lemon , were truly exquisite .

2 comments for “2013 Rongotea Kiwi Flowers .

  1. Hi Everyone,


    It is great to see such good entries at the Rongotea show. One of the very few local shows left in the area. When I first started exhibiting at Rongotea over 40 years ago there were at least 6 other shows like this, unfortunately all have folded. Full credit must go to the committee for keeping this show going.

    Robin Hill

  2. John, Thank you for posting the pictures from the Rongotea Show and I agree with you about my friend Wilf Hall’s poet. It’s colour code from the picture should be W-GYY and it”s wavy perianth might be improved if you adjusted the crossover unless Wilf is breeding it in these days for effect, his flowers are just  fantastic as I saw for myself this time last year! Where did that year go?

    Regards to All

    Ian :o)

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